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What's new in The Orenda 3.0 App?

The latest Orenda App update (version 3.0 and beyond) has new formulas and features to better rule your pool.

In short, we believe the Orenda Calculator in the Orenda app (version 3.0+) is the most accurate swimming pool chemistry calculator in the world. 

We added new functionality, cleaned up the user interface, and did some major upgrades to our formulas. Here is a quick summary of what's new in Orenda 3.0:

  1. New chemical dosing formulas. The new formulas account for product densities and are calculated with precision up to 6 decimal places (then rounded to 2 decimal places on the calculator).
  2. Carbonate alkalinity and pH ceiling displayed as secondary readings. As you adjust your chemistry, you can now select "show" or "hide" secondary readings. Showing these readings displays carbonate alkalinity and pH ceiling. These two readings allow you to contain pH easier.
  3. Future alkalinity. One of the coolest features is on the dosing results page. When you reduce pH (but leave alkalinity alone), below the acid dose will be your future alkalinity. This is telling you where your alkalinity will be after adding the prescribed amount of acid above. If you're trying to predict where your water chemistry is going to be, this helps in a big way.
  4. Borate added as an optional 7th LSI factor. We do not endorse the use of borates, but many Orenda customers use them. They impact the LSI, especially at higher pH levels. We have included it as an optional factor (Main Menu > App Settings > Borate). To be the most accurate LSI calculator in the world, borate needed to be included.
  5. Chlorine and acid toggles. Until Orenda 3.0, the Orenda Calculator™ only showed one option for 12.5% liquid chlorine and 65% cal hypo. And for acid, it only showed muriatic acid and if you were lowering TA, sodium bisulfate for that.  Now we have two toggles at the top of the dosing results page that allow you to pick your chlorine of choice and acid of choice. And for chlorines, we offer two strengths of cal hypo (65-68% and 70-73%) and liquid chlorine (10% and 12.5%).
  6. Hyperlinks and descriptions. Not sure what something means? We have hyperlinked pop-up descriptions on factors most people may not understand. We have descriptions for chemistry factors on the calculator, and also for dosing instructions on the dosing results page.
  7. Improved menu and app settings. Our menu has been simplified, and we have improved our app settings page for an easier user experience.